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If you have any feedback or wish to talk about any of my Blogs, then please use this section to get in touch. If you’d like to contact me directly then this is the easiest place to do this from.

As you have probably guessed, I am an easy going guy who just enjoys talking about random humorous topics that make me smile.

I look forward to hearing back from you.



  1. Loved you blog on Leeds United , Only thing better than watching them at home is watching them away and your piece on The Valley summed it up nicely ! Keep it up

    • Thank you Neil for taking the time to write to me. You are so right, traveling away to watch Leeds play away from home has a completely different buzz to it. It’s always better when you win as well, 4 goal McCormack totally unique and will probably never be repeated. I will certainly carry on, it’s always challenging keeping the motivation to write but I enjoy it. Please follow my blog if you get the chance. Mark

  2. Enjoyed your blog on the future of Leeds and Cellino in charge, i am hoping for changes new injection of energy, new direction and maybe a new manager with enthusiasm for the team, sorry but Mc dermott seems beaten to me, maybe an itallian with itallian players. But seriously we need change

    • I think you are right about BMc you only get so much for diplomacy and loyalty in football. This coming week is certainly going to be interesting. Thank you for making time to read my post. If you could follow my blog I’d be most grateful.

  3. Some great reviews Darcy and thanks for giving so much positivity towards the Towcester mill tap


    • Thanks David, I have had a break but am back blogging again. If possible I would love an opportunity to take some photos within your brewing part of the mill and write a piece. If this is possible please let me know. Thanks Mark

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