Monthly Archives: March 2015

Birdwatch Update Spring 2015

We have had some fantastic birds visit our garden throughout Winter and Spring this year. They are certainly busy in their own little world as we are starting to head into the nesting season. The Blue Tits have already inspected our bird nesting boxes as we hope this is the year they take up residence. I thought it was only fair to share some of the amazing photos that we’ve captured to show the variety of feathered friends we have sharing our garden.


Our Blue Tits are busy sharing the suet coconuts together.


The original Robin regularly feeds off the ground around our feeding station.


The Dunnocks love a wander hopping amongst the plants.


The Bullfinch proudly puffs his chest showing off his prominent colour.


One of the Starling family are always around eating the suet and worms.


We love our Pied Wagtail always bopping along the ground being scatty as ever.

There will be further photos as we head into the Latter Spring months.
